December 12, 2010

The Little Drummer Boy

Finally!  A true dusting of snow.  Don't ever say I'm not easily pleased!  The north winds blew in last night and gave us a small glimpse of what winter could be like.  Of course it isn't anything in comparison to the blizzard of 2010 that took place last night in Minnesota and Wisconsin.  My son reported being snowed in around 8 o'clock last evening and as I write, it is 2 degrees there now with a wind chill of minus 14 threatening to sink to a minus 20 or a minus 30 before the night is over.  After living up there for 9 years, I sure don't miss that wind.  I do miss the snows and that's why I can be pleased with the teeniest tiniest wisp of snow here.  Nothing like waking up to a crisp clean snow with the sharp red cardinals at the feeders. 

This morning was our Christmas program at church and the choir really outdid themselves this year.  During the singing of The Little Drummer Boy, a group of young men came in with many different types of drums and gave quite a performance.  It was very moving.  It reminds me that even little ole' me has something to give, no matter how small and that I should do all I can to the glory of the Lord.  I'm not even a little drummer boy, but I rock the cradle of the future and believe me when I tell you that I do not take that responsibility lightly.  As a mother, a wife, a daughter, a cousin, a niece, a friend......I struggle daily to live, listen, teach, guide, speak, encourage and praise with love.  It is my calling, and as glorious as the drummer boys sounded this morning, they were giving all they could with what little they had, so with what little I have, I too want to sound glorious to the Lord in every word and deed to the family and friends and everyone else that God has brought into my life.

I pray that you will experience the blessing of God this Christmas season, enjoying family and friends as we celebrate the greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ.

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