December 29, 2011

A Blessed and Peaceful Rest

This was the icing on the cake this Christmas season!  We were joyfully blessed with having both grandsons just before Christmas so I rushed around to get baking ingredients to make some yummy Christmas goodie memories with them.  They are truly one of my greatest joys.  Children are a blessing from God....and there is no earthly word to describe how precious grandchildren are.  We had a marvelous time together and I will cherish the memories.  Below are some of what we made for everybody.

After dipping the oreos (pictured below), we used up the leftover almond and chocolate bark by dipping and sprinkling these cute little square pretzels (pictured above).  Both are extremely easy for little ones to do.

Another easy and yummy treat is to spread peanut butter between Ritz crackers and dip just like the oreos.  I like them much better myself because they aren't as sweet and due to the peanut butter, they actually have some nutrition in them.

These are Raspberry Almond Shortbread Thumbprints, but I didn't use my thumb.  When you look at this recipe, be sure to review several of the comments.  I chilled the dough and then used a chap stick lid that I washed to make the place for the jam.  The shortbread cookie is not that sweet, the homemade raspberry jam and glazing adds just enough sweet goodness to these.

These are deadly and addicting.  Just so you know I warned ya!  They are called Cream Cheese Squares.  For all of you who don't like Cream Cheese, you are safe.....but for the rest of you...look out!  Also, they are as easy to make as they are delicious.    

These are also very easy to make, simply line up the square pretzels on a cookie sheet covered with was paper.  Place a Hershey Hugs on each pretzel square.  We like to use the Candy Cane flavored ones.  Place in a preheated oven at 300 degrees for only about 2 minutes, take out of the oven and let set for 1 minute.  Then cover and squish each one of them with another pretzel.  Sprinkle with Christmas sprinkles of whatever you have.

We also made Toffee and Christmas Bark.  This frenzy of work came to a screeching halt a few days after our grandsons left due to my skill and grace.....I broke my ankle.  Not just an ankle, my right ankle....meaning I couldn't drive any where to complete my Christmas shopping, shipping, visiting or anything!  And you know what?  We still had a full and blessed Christmas.  I was reminded that all things are in God's time, not mine.  Again I had to remember to slow down....literally and enjoy great family and friends.  I have to say that this past year as been indescribable regarding the people that God has put in our path.  We have made many blessed friends this year that we are extremely grateful for.

I am in awe at the fact that when we began this journey of getting back to basics, taking the beginning steps of learning and implementing how to be self-sustaining and dedicating everything we do to the Glory of God, how He has blessed our labor by opening the doors we needed to have opened, connecting us with others who have the same vision that we do and He continues to give us strength to continue day, one task, one moment at a time.

May you be truly blessed this New Year!


  1. I so agree with you on what treasures from heaven children are, and if you thought you're love couldn't get any stronger than what you felt for your children... just wait till grandkids come. It is a beautiful thing!

    I like all your goodies and what sweet memories you made with your grandchildren, in more ways than one ;)

    So sorry for your ankle, I feel your pain. I'm recouping from surg this holiday season & it's been quite the pain.... God had slow down plans for me too.

  2. I'm so glad you've been enjoying the holidays and all the delicious treats to go with it too!

    I wish you all the best for you and your beautiful family the coming year!!

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ HAPPY NEW YEAR!!*´¨)

  3. Oh my some truly delicious goodies! How fun to have the grands! My oldest is 20 and I am not pushing her but I can' wait for grands! Hope you have a wonderful new year!

  4. Wow, look at all those homemade goodies! Glad you had fun with your grandsons!


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